Rally 2 Rescue

For the past 5 years, the Ghost Bully's MC has been working to raise awareness and support for animals in need... What started out as a fundraiser for the MC's namesake dogs - the Pitbulls - efforts have since become about dogs of all shapes and sizes that are in need of rescue! ***** 100% of the funds raised by the Rally to Rescue Events will be donated to Animal Shelters! ***** Rally to Rescue dates: June 1 - 20, 2019 sass [maisy] bikini @ Rally 2 Rescue {TOUCH MIA} Puppy Love Bath @ Rally 2 Rescue Shutter Thugs Biker Dog, Event Bass, Event Wii, Event Labby & Bike @ Rally 2 Rescue H&C Wheels Rescue @ Rally 2 Rescue Dura -F70-FAT PACK2 "Killer's" ByeWay Garage House Part I