Hidden Treasure..

~The pessimist complains about the wind; the optimist expects it to change; the realist adjusts the sails.~ William Arthur Ward Never Totally Dead -Ba Mwen en ti Bo- @ Skull-n-Bones: Caribbean Adventure Treasure Hunt from Kastle & Co Events , From: Aug 18 - Sept 18th, 2019, Pick up the Hunt-Hud in the Mainstore ☝ LB _BottlePalm{Animated}*FatPack @ Shiny Shabby & LB _WhiteFlowers1{Rounded-Field} {LORE} Moon String Lights No. 59 Metal sheet Beercases TLC Eurasian collared dove - texture version B Fashiowl - Survivor JUMP - Pose @ Tres Chic (Fundati) Ruins Desierta Set & (Fundati) Sand Beaches + Sand Dunes ROIRO - "OAZO" Swing sofa Ivory