Let's go for a walk..

~The woods are lovely, dark and deep, but I have promises to keep, and miles to go before I sleep..~

Robert Frost

Rebel Gal - Cuddle Hoodie - Gray.  @ kustom9

Blueberry - Cake - Tight Leggings - Black  Blueberry

*[Black Bantam] My Mini Pinscher For A Treat  @  kustom9

#Foxy - Cuddle Hair (Natural Ombres)  @  kustom9

[ kunst ] - Maia Set   [KUNST]

#P02 Essences - Vanyya (Catwa)   Essences Mainstore

[okkbye] Eutropic Eyebrows (CATWA & OMEGA)  [okkbye]  

Body  Maitreya 

